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Investing Can Be Fun!


 By Michelle Harris. June 18th


Do you get the shakes at the idea of having to put even more money aside for your investments and future retirement? Well, it doesn’t have to be as scary as it seems. In fact, investing can be pretty fun. One of the best ways to make this task a lot less daunting is by considering where your money is going. 

Are you actively researching companies that you are interested in that you see yourself having a future with or are you just seeing what sticks? Well, it’s important to consider not only where your money is going but if you are passionate about the business. If you are passionate about technology, environmentalism, fashion, or even coffee, that’s a great place to start. According to Nasdaq, while most “retail investors don’t know if it’s possible to align their values with their investments,” it’s actually very possible. The first step towards aligning your values with your money is by identifying issues and causes that matter most to you and then anchoring them to your long-term investment strategy (Nasdaq).” And while you are running a list of your possible companies, it never hurts to research a companies’ mission and have a general sense of their success.

Though it’s easy to consider only the financial part of investments, there are plenty of ways you can benefit your future self. You love to cook and host people? Consider owning stock in a food-related company. That investment may position you to later open a bed and breakfast (AirBnB 2.0). You’re always the go-to person when it comes to technology and fixing computers? — what if you invest in technology stocks and when you are ready you may have the capital needed to open up your very own computer repair shop. Have you always thought about your dream of writing your own book and becoming a New York Times bestselling author? — well it never hurts to get started, even with the first page. Though there is a notion that this process should be boring and draining, it’s quite untrue. You can put your money into places you believe in and be heavily involved in your future success.

The reason investing may be viewed as a boring chore, is because there might be a false idea behind the definition of success. The hardest part isn’t pursuing the end goal – it’s being confident in the definition that best suits you. As the late poet Maya Angelo famously said, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it,” Rather than it being about having the biggest house, most cars, brightest kids – it’s best to get clear on what you want. Money cannot buy you happiness but it can give you the freedom to do the things you love doing. Do you want a booming business, an easy lifestyle, or a high-powered career? Investopedia states, “…that when it comes to future outcomes….people who are passionate about what they do…tend to [be people who] have more positive outlooks and are able to overcome difficulty through problem-solving (Investopedia). That understanding has absolutely nothing to do with how much money is being made, how many cars one has or how well off one appears to be. Being real about the things you love and pouring into them will produce a much better outcome than simply doing what society expects of you.

The idea of investing can be confused with a boring habit that you have to do. But have you ever thought about the hobbies/interests that are most fulfilling to you, how you can make them a fruitful passion, and what you deem most important in life? It’s easy to get caught up in others’ definition of “the perfect” life, but true success comes when you get swept away with your passions and one day wake up the life of your dreams.

About Author

Michelle Harris is a Stuff&Stock intern with a decorated background in writing. Before Stuff&Stock, she wrote her first book “Money Tips for Twenty-Somethings”, and became a viral sensation on Linkedin for her captivating post. You can catch her thoughtful insight on Linkedin, her website, and whenever she feels moved by something, here. 

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